Hoshizaki offers a wide range of transportation methods, including: trolleys, carts and bagging methods which are integrated as storage components. . Once full, simply remove the trolley or bag full of ice, & carry or wheel it to wherever it is needed, without needing to scoop it from the machine into receptacle.
As well as reducing the risk of contamination, these methods save valuable time that would otherwise be lost shovelling ice one scoop at a time.
It is very important that the opportunity for contamination is minimized, & Hoshizaki's systems do this, allowing the transportation of ice in large quantities without human manpower.
Transport Machine: ITS-100-31, ITS-500-31, ITS-600-31, ITS-700-31, ITS-1350-60 & ITS-2250SG-60.
Caterkwik, The Lakeland Catering Centre, Newland, Ulverston, Cumbria, LA12 7QQ Tel: 01229 480001 | Company Reg No. 4432906 | VAT Registered: 621 3333 84