Passthrough Dishwashers fit between 2 stainless steel tables which enables the water to drain back into the dishwasher, these are called the inlet & the outlet tables. One is used as the soiled table & the other, the clean table. We also have Pre-Rinse Spray Arms which work perfectly with our dishwashers and tabling.
We offer various configurations & packages for dishwasher tabling. If you require something bespoke to suit your own needs, please call us & we will be more than happy to help.
Still unsure about which commercial passthrough dishwasher is right for your business? Why not see what Chris from Code, The Court has to say about his Cater-Wash CK2555AA.
Caterkwik, The Lakeland Catering Centre, Newland, Ulverston, Cumbria, LA12 7QQ Tel: 01229 480001 | Company Reg No. 4432906 | VAT Registered: 621 3333 84