RATIONAL XS offers maximum performance using minimum space. The small combination oven measuring just 55.5cm deep and 65.5cm width has the power, intelligence and efficiency of the RATIONAL SelfCookingCenter.
Featuring dynamic air ciculation to help distribute the heating elements and steam generators enormous output perfectly through the cooking cabinet. With cooking temperatures up to 300°C the intelligent climate management make even grilling, browning or au-gratin applications easy, even with full loads. The XS also boasts new standards in the low temperature range allowing you to poach fish or eggs and prepare dishes such as crème caramel.
Although the RATIONAL XS has a small footprint it includes all the intellegent features of the RATIONAL SCC including the powerful steam generator, humidity regulation and automatic cleaning offering the ideal cooking solution for small kitchens or even large commercial kitchens where the XS can be used as part of service when you need different oven climates.
Caterkwik, The Lakeland Catering Centre, Newland, Ulverston, Cumbria, LA12 7QQ Tel: 01229 480001 | Company Reg No. 4432906 | VAT Registered: 621 3333 84