Lincat boiling tops are broken down into 3 different ranges to help better find one more suitable to your needs.
From the Silverlink 600 range, the Lincat HT3, Lincat HT6 & Lincat HT7 Electric Boiling Tops are safe, strong & easy to use.
From the Lynx 400 range, the Lincat LBR & Lincat LBR2 are designed to make the maximum use of limited kitchen space, at affordable prices.
Finally from the Opus 700 range, the heavy duty Lincat OE7012 & Lincat OE7011 737mm deep Electric Boiling Tops give a powerful performance.
Lincat Electric Boiling Tops: LBR, LBR2, HT3, HT6, HT7, OE7012 & OE7011.
Caterkwik, The Lakeland Catering Centre, Newland, Ulverston, Cumbria, LA12 7QQ Tel: 01229 480001 | Company Reg No. 4432906 | VAT Registered: 621 3333 84