At time of writing the skies are blue and the temperature is soaring. Ensconced here at Caterkwik’s HQ, spacious as it is and fiercely wafted by some “proper” fans as we are are it’s still getting a little too hot. I love the hot weather but right now – a cold beer chilled right down or a big glass of freshly squeezed fruit juice over lots and lots of ice would be just fantastic.
Here at Caterkwik we have some of the UK’s very best commercial bottle coolers & commercial icemakers at the UK’s lowest prices – unfortunately we have no beer and no freshly squeezed fruit juice.
Our Cater-Ice Icemakers and Cater-Cool back bar bottle coolers have been been priced to beat all the competition. If you see a similarly specified commercial bottle cooler or commercial icemaker at a lower price then please call and let us know. We’ll beat that price and mention this article and we’ll send you a free gift too.
Of course it isn’t all about price. We’ve very carefully selected and thoroughly tested our “own brand” machines, the quality, reliability and performance has not been compromised to achieve these prices. For full details, including specifications and customer testimonies check the bottle coolers and ice machine listings on the site.